How to Get Web Design Clients in 2024 (5 Foolproof Methods)

Are you struggling to attract web design clients and grow your freelance business now? You’re not alone. But the good news is, we’ve spoken to several leading web design experts who've cracked the code on “how to get web design clients” consistently in 2024!

In this blog post, we’ll share five foolproof methods to help you learn how to get web design clients, whether you’re just starting out or looking to level up your business. By following these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to a successful and thriving web design business. Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • The five methods to land your first web design client are:

    • Use online marketplaces

    • Cold outreach

    • Grow inbound lead generation channels via content marketing

    • Attend industry events

    • Leverage referral programs & testimonials

  • Most fail by not having enough consistency or discipline, or by not following a process proven to work

  • 20% of businesses fail within 2 years - to avoid being in this group, you need to consistently land new clients

As SEO experts, we're not experts in landing web design clients, but after interviewing and speaking to 100s of web design pros, we've gathered all secrets below 👇

Why do Most Web Designers Fail?

Research has shown that the most common reasons businesses fail are:

  1. Not satisfying a need

  2. Bad business plan

  3. Lack of financing

Because many web designers can get started with 0 capital, and there’s a never-ending supply of web design clients - as long as you have a solid business plan and know how to attract clients, you should be fine.

While this sounds simple, landing clients is exactly what many struggle with due to the lack of consistency and discipline in their approach to finding clients. In fact, 3,600+ web designers search “how to find web design clients” every single month!

Remember, a stunning website alone won’t bring in more clients; you need a marketing strategy that’s not only effective but also easy to maintain.

Another reason web designers fail to attract clients is the absence of a proven process. Without a clear and effective approach to attracting clients, and finding web design clients, designers often end up feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. This can lead to a cycle of inaction, where they fail to take the necessary steps to grow their client base.

Tip: Once you begin landing clients, check out our web design tips to stand out from the crowd

Not having a targeted niche or “target customer” also makes it difficult to attract ideal clients. By narrowing down their focus and identifying their ideal clients, web designers can then create content with a more compelling marketing message that resonates with their target audience. This, in turn, significantly increases their chances of landing new web design clients.

Overcoming these challenges and adopting the right strategies can pave the way to success for web designers. Let’s delve into the five foolproof methods for securing web design clients.

Below, you can see a recent interview we had with Paige Brunton, a highly successful web designer that teaches aspiring designers how to get web design clients and scale to 6 figures.

5 Foolproof Methods to Land Web Design Clients

A blend of short-term business objectives and long-term strategies can prove effective in attracting and securing web design clients. These include:

  • Leveraging online marketplaces

  • Using cold outreach strategies

  • Building inbound lead generation channels (via content)

  • Attending industry events

  • Implementing referral programs and testimonials

A strategic combination of these methods can drastically enhance your chances of client acquisition and business growth.

Without further delay, let’s get into the 5 ways to solve your question “how to get web design clients”.

#1 Leveraging Online Marketplaces

Web designers, including freelance web designers and web developers, can effectively showcase their skills, expand their portfolio, and increase their client base using online freelance marketplaces like Upwork and 99 Designs. These platforms enable you, as a web designer, to connect with potential clients and other web designers, increasing your visibility and credibility in the industry, making you a competitive top web designer or design agency.

How to Get Web Design Clients

Upwork - a platform we’ve used to generate over $100,000 worth of business for our SEO agency - this should be one of your first go-to’s when solving “how to get web design clients”.

Standing out on these platforms could involve sending personalized Loom videos, making irresistible offers, and crafting outstanding proposals for client project. For instance, you could draft up a free landing page based on the prospective client who’s brief, showcasing your expertise and commitment to their project. This extra effort can be the deciding factor that lands you the job.

Remember to optimize your portfolio site and profile on these platforms for maximum impact. Use the right keywords, showcase your best work, and gather positive reviews from past clients. This will help you attract more work from existing clients and entice new ones to choose you over the competition.

Cold Outreach Strategies

Cold outreach serves as a potent strategy to secure web design clients. Proactively reaching out to potential clients can help establish connections, build trust, and promote your web design services effectively. Tools like can help streamline this process, enabling bulk outreach to businesses that might require a website (example below).

Cold email to land web design clients

Our cold emails in order to land leads for ourself and clients - SEO can take 6+ months to get results, so pairing it with cold email is a hack we’ve mastered.

LinkedIn is another valuable platform for cold outreach, allowing you to network with professionals in your target market and showcase your expertise. Be sure to optimize your LinkedIn profile by following the below tips before conducting cold LinkedIn outreach:

  1. Post regularly about web design and the results you've got for clients

  2. Ensure your profile is complete, with a professional photo and your work experience

  3. Gather social proof by asking clients for recommendations and testimonials (example for our agency here)

  4. Keep your information up-to-date and relevant to the customers you want to attract

A significant aspect of cold outreach involves qualifying leads to boost sales efficiency. By spending more time and effort on identifying the right prospects, you’ll maximize the chances of converting them into clients. This will also help you avoid wasting time on individuals who aren’t interested in your web design services.

Building Inbound Lead Generation Channels (via Content)

Content marketing stands as a highly effective approach to attract web design clients. Creating high-quality, relevant content that addresses your target audience’s challenges and goals can consistently draw ideal clients to your own web development and design business.

You can leverage content marketing through search engine optimization (SEO) or social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. By optimizing your content for search engines and sharing it on popular platforms, you’ll increase your visibility and drive traffic to your website, ultimately leading to higher-quality clients and more potential client inquiries.

An effective content marketing strategy should encompass a variety of content types, from blog posts and videos to social media and online portfolio updates. This will help you capture the attention of prospective clients and showcase your expertise in the web design industry. With a consistent and engaging content output, you’ll soon find yourself attracting a steady stream of new web design clients.

Inbound Lead Generation Example

In the below LinkedIn post, you can see how we generate 35+ inbound leads/week for our SEO services and Squarespace SEO plugin.

The benefit of building these foundations and inbound lead generation channels is that you don't have to do as much outbound, because the leads that come to you close more easily and cost less to acquire.

Attending Industry Events

Events like Squarespace’s Circle Day present excellent networking opportunities and a chance to meet potential clients. These events not only help you stay up-to-date with the latest web design trends but also allow you to forge valuable connections with other freelancers that could lead to new client projects.

One effective way to gain exposure at industry events is by interviewing influential figures, such as CEOs or other prominent professionals. For example, our founder, Henry, interviewed Squarespace’s CEO during Circle Day. This not only provided valuable insights but also helped position him as an authority in the Squarespace industry.

Maximize the benefits of industry events by researching in advance and arriving with a strategic plan for networking and meeting potential clients. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to landing new web design clients through industry events.

Referral Programs and Testimonials

Referrals and testimonials are key in drawing web design clients. They provide social proof, showcasing your expertise and the value you bring to your clients. To generate more referrals, consider asking clients during testimonial calls for two people who could potentially benefit from your services. This makes the process easier and increases the likelihood of gaining new clients.

Focusing on delivering top-tier service to your current clients can foster organic word-of-mouth referrals, which can help you find web design clients, including prospective web design clients. Satisfied clients are more likely to recommend you to their network, leading to a consistent flow of new web design projects and getting web design clients fast.

Don’t underestimate the power of testimonials. Featuring quotes from happy clients on your website, along with their name, organization, and a link to their site, can boost your credibility and help convert potential clients browsing your own personal website too. By leveraging referrals and testimonials effectively, you’ll consistently attract and land new web design clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find my first Web design client?

Start by reaching out to people in your own network, online job boards, and freelance communities. Leverage the power of your social media platform and offer free value to the world. Create a landing page to capture leads and focus on a web design niche. Cold emailing potential clients is also a great way to find new clients.

How to find web design clients in 2023?

To find web design clients in 2023, reach out to your existing network, get active on social media, attend virtual or in-person networking events, join freelance communities, create killer content, start a newsletter, design a landing page to capture leads, choose a web design niche, create a portfolio website, promote your services on your social media accounts, share helpful content, create multiple income streams, consider industry-specific job boards, and engage in targeted outreach. Sign up with Upwork for quick access to potential clients.

How do I market myself as a web designer?

To market yourself as a freelance web designer, you should create a project-oriented resume, identify and play to your strengths, start a professional blog, utilize social media, build professional connections online, get "field experience" offline and get feedback about your work. Additionally, your should give away my knowledge for free, get boots on the ground, be sociable, earn customer testimonials and create better content.


Implementing these five foolproof methods sets the stage for consistent client acquisition. Whether you’re a beginner web design service provider or an experienced business owner, these strategies will help you grow your web design business and thrive in 2023.

Now is the time to seize the moment and turn your web design aspirations into reality!

How to Get Web Design Clients Summary

In conclusion, the key to landing web design clients in 2023 lies in leveraging online marketplaces, utilizing cold outreach strategies, building inbound lead generation channels through content marketing efforts, attending industry events, and implementing referral programs and testimonials.

By combining these methods strategically and consistently, you’ll be able to attract and land clients quickly, ensuring a successful and thriving web design business. So, what are you waiting for? Start implementing these foolproof methods today and watch your web design business flourish!

Henry Purchase

This article was written by Henry Purchase, the Founder of SEOSpace, who is on a mission to change Squarespace SEO - making it jargon-free and accessible for anyone, regardless of their experience.

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