SEOSpace Academy: The Ultimate Squarespace SEO Course

The SEOSpace Academy is currently working with our 1st cohort - our 2nd cohort, and access to the Academy will open back up in October 2024. Sign up below to be one of the first notified.

Trusted by 5,000+ Squarespace users.

Squarespace experts who trust SEOSpace:

Tired of Overwhelming SEO Jargon and Confusing Advice?

Simplify your approach to Squarespace SEO with direct, no-nonsense strategies tailored to your needs. Learn from our extensive experience with thousands of sites to not only boost your rankings but also attract more targeted traffic and generate valuable leads effectively.

Step into a learning journey that equips you with both foundational and advanced SEO techniques, ensuring you can apply them for immediate and long-lasting success.

Fed Up with Chasing Leads? Let SEO Bring Them to You

Fed up with being told you need to show up on Instagram reels to get leads? Switch to a smarter strategy that attracts ideal customers to you.

Our course breaks down SEO into clear, actionable steps, leveraging our experience from a successful multi-six-figure SEO agency.

Learn to harness SEO for sustainable growth and watch your site rise in Google's rankings.

Unlock Your SEO Potential: The SEOSpace Difference

SEOSpace was founded on a clear goal: to simplify SEO for Squarespace users like you. Our plugin has already empowered over 5,000 businesses globally, and that was just the beginning. The SEOSpace Academy now extends this expertise through a comprehensive course designed to transform your SEO understanding and execution.

Why choose us? We're more than just educators—we're seasoned SEO professionals who actively manage an SEO software company, an agency, and our own diverse portfolio of websites. This course goes beyond theoretical learning, focusing on practical, real-world applications that deliver visible results. With lifetime access to the course and a community of supportive peers and experts, we equip you to evolve from a learner to a leader in the SEO domain.


Why settle for guidance without proven success? With our course, you're mastering strategies that have consistently delivered tangible outcomes. Whether you're aiming to enhance your own site or boost your clients', we equip you with the knowledge to generate revenue through tried and tested SEO practices.

Squarespace SEO Course


If we get feedback like this about our $15/month plugin, imagine the value we’ve packed into this Squarespace SEO training.



SEO insights


Leverage SEO tactics that have been tested and proven across thousands of Squarespace sites. Our curriculum is built on real-world successes, enabling you to replicate these results for yourself or clients.

SEO proof


There’s nothing worse than learning something and thinking, “What next?”. Every module of SEOSpace’s Academy will have clear actions, making it easy for you to move the needle for your business.

Squarespace SEO course accreditation


For pros seeking to distinguish themselves, our SEOSpace Accreditation offers a mark of quality and expertise. Display your badge with pride and gain a competitive edge in the market.

SEO team access


Gain unparalleled access to the SEOSpace team for personalized queries, website audits, and bespoke advice, ensuring your SEO journey is fully supported every step of the way.


Upon completion, we’ll issue a test to show that you’ve learned and applied the teachings from our Squarespace SEO training. Once passed, you’ll receive the SEOSpace Accreditation badge to display on your website—displaying your SEO expertise!

The accreditation is on top of the benefits you’ll already receive from the SEOSpace Academy:

  • Weekly live calls and a dedicated community (12-week access)

  • Direct support from SEOSpace’s team for advanced queries and personalized advice.

  • Lifetime access to 9 jargon-free SEO course modules.

  • 9 blog post & brief templates, keyword planner worksheet, 40+ AI prompts library, backlink cheatsheet and much more!



From SEO fundamentals to advanced Squarespace tactics, our curriculum provides actionable strategies and essential tools to enhance your site’s visibility and performance. Boost your online presence with practical, step-by-step guidance."

    • Intro to SEOSpace Academy: Kickstart your journey with a comprehensive overview of what it takes to excel in Squarespace SEO. This session sets expectations for the transformative insights derived from over a million pounds worth of SEO experience.

    • Your Teacher: Get introduced to your instructor who brings a wealth of practical SEO knowledge from firsthand experience in building a successful SEO agency and developing an SEO plugin for Squarespace.

    • SEO Basics: Explore the foundational elements of SEO—keyword optimization, technical SEO, and building backlinks—and their importance in enhancing your Squarespace website’s visibility on search engines.

    • Reality Check: Adjust your expectations with a realistic perspective on what SEO can achieve within your marketing strategy. Learn how a well-optimized Squarespace website contributes to business success.

    • Mindset and Business Foundations: Understand the essential mindset and strategic foundations necessary for effective SEO on your Squarespace site. This session emphasizes preparing your business and SEO strategy for sustainable growth.

    • Common SEO Mistakes: Cover crucial errors many Squarespace users make and how to avoid them. This includes strategies for proper Google Search Console configuration and ensuring your content aligns with what your ideal clients are searching for.

    • Keyword Research Masterclass: Master the art of keyword research with a focus on techniques that enhance your Squarespace SEO efforts. This session will empower you to effectively navigate the competitive landscape in search engines.

    • Money Page Keyword Research: Delve into strategies for identifying and leveraging keywords that directly contribute to your revenue, optimizing your Squarespace website to attract and convert your target audience.

    • Blog Page Keyword Research: Learn how to choose keywords for your blog that engage and capture the attention of potential clients early in their discovery journey, improving both traffic and engagement on your Squarespace site.

    • Golden Keywords: Discover the power of 'golden keywords' that can transform your SEO results, making your Squarespace website a top contender in search rankings.

    • Google Search Console Keyword Research (Bonus): Utilize Google Search Console to unearth and optimize underperforming keywords that could unlock new opportunities for your Squarespace website.

    • On-Page Basics: Learn the essentials of on-page SEO, focusing on the critical elements that search engines favor. This segment provides a robust framework for ensuring your Squarespace website adheres to the best practices that significantly impact search rankings.

    • Advanced On-Page SEO: This section delves into advanced techniques that enhance how search engines interpret and rank your site’s content. It will guide you through optimizing your site’s content to align perfectly with search intent, crucial for improving visibility and engagement.

    • Backlink Basics: Learn why backlinks are essential for enhancing your site's visibility and credibility with search engines. This session covers foundational concepts and strategic approaches to building a robust backlink profile that can elevate your site’s search engine rankings.

    • 10 Ways to Get Backlinks: Gain actionable insights into developing a sustainable backlink strategy. Discover innovative methods for earning quality backlinks that drive significant traffic and improve your site's search engine standing, all while ensuring alignment with Google’s best practices for authenticity and relevance.

    • How to Blog for SEO: Understand the power of blogging as a tool for enhancing SEO. This session will introduce you to effective blogging strategies that attract and engage your target audience, emphasizing content that ranks well on search engines.

    • Setting Up and Writing Blog Posts: Learn how to craft blog posts that resonate with your audience and perform well in search results. This includes a general overview of structuring and optimizing blog content to meet the needs of both your readers and search engines.

    • Rewriting Blog Posts: Discover the importance of keeping your content fresh and relevant. This part of the course discusses the value of content updates and how they can significantly impact your site’s SEO performance, keeping you competitive in search results.

    • Google My Business Mastery: Unlock the potential of your Google My Business listing to significantly enhance your local search visibility. This session covers essential setup and optimization techniques that ensure your business stands out in local searches.

    • Getting Local SEO Results: Learn strategic methods to surpass your local competitors by accumulating and leveraging Google reviews. Discover the power of targeted local content on your Squarespace website, such as service pages and local interest blogs, to boost your local authority and relevance.

    • The Game-Changer for SEOSpace's Journey: Explore how a shift in strategy from mere traffic generation to focused lead conversion can transform your SEO outcomes. This session introduces practical ways to link SEO efforts directly to business success, using analytics to track and enhance the journey from visitor to customer.

    • Creating Your Performance Dashboard: Delve into the essentials of setting up a performance dashboard that helps you measure the effectiveness of your SEO tactics. Learn to use analytics to identify high-performing areas and opportunities for improvement.

    • Turn Website Visitors to Leads: Strategies for converting incoming traffic into valuable leads are discussed. Gain insights on implementing effective lead magnets and optimizing your site’s conversion paths to ensure that SEO traffic translates into real business growth.

    • Improving 'Success Metrics': Discover specific strategies to enhance key performance indicators, with a focus on aligning your content and offers to the search intents of your prospective customers, ensuring your SEO efforts yield tangible results.

    • Evolve or Die: Understand the critical importance of AI in the evolving landscape of SEO and how it impacts your business’s online visibility.

    • How Search Engines Are Changing Forever: An overview of how search engines are incorporating AI, altering SEO tactics and strategies. This session emphasizes the need for businesses to stay current with these changes to maintain and enhance their search rankings.

    • Using AI to Accelerate SEO: Introduce the benefits of integrating AI with your SEO strategies. Learn how AI can help automate and optimize various SEO tasks, making your efforts more effective and efficient.


  • Squarespace SEO course curriculum

    Comprehensive Curriculum

    Enjoy lifetime access to the course, along with all future updates. Our curriculum is continuously revised to reflect the latest in SEO practices, ensuring you always have the most current and effective strategies at your fingertips.

  • Community

    Exclusive Community

    Join our community for 12 weeks to connect with fellow students, share insights, and receive personalized support. This platform extends your learning experience beyond the core materials, deepening your understanding and engagement.

  • Guest Speakers

    Guest Speakers

    Getting SEO results isn't just about learning SEO - you also need a strong product/service offering, efficient operations, conversion-optimized website and more. We'll invite guest speakers to cover these topics in detail.

  • Workshops

    Interactive Live Workshops

    Attend weekly live workshops for 12 weeks, tailored to address your specific challenges. Each session is recorded and made available within our community platform, allowing you to revisit and reinforce your learning at your convenience.

  • Live Q&As

    Personalized Support

    Benefit from 12 weeks of direct support through our community platform, where the SEOSpace team is available to provide expert advice. This access allows you to receive tailored guidance to ensure your SEO efforts are successful.

  • Tools and resources

    Tools and Templates

    Access an extensive collection of our templates, including our AI prompts, blog post frameworks, and essential documents for contracts and proposals. These resources are designed to streamline your processes and enhance results.

“I love how responsive the team is. I feel like they actually care about me.”

Our confidence in the SEOSpace Academy is backed by a simple money-back guarantee. If you've watched the entire course, attended live calls, and still feel it hasn't met your expectations, you're eligible for a refund within 30 days of purchase.

Squarespace SEO Course Team


With so many Squarespace SEO course options, you likely have questions. Feel free to get in touch if there’s anything we don’t cover.

  • If the Academy were just "how to use SEOSpace/our plugin", it would be free (as are all our other videos/resources).

    The Academy will show you exactly how to get results, and includes live calls, dedicated support and templates you can't access anywhere else.

    If you want any of the below, The SEOSpace Academy is the place to be:

    • Direct support and guidance with your SEO efforts

    • A community with like-minded professionals looking to grow their business through SEO

    • Live calls with the opportunity to have your strategy and SEO efforts reviewed

    • A blueprint that's proven to get SEO results

  • All Academy members get 12-week access to our community, giving you direct access to the SEOSpace team and a dedicated Customer Success Manager for any questions.

    Additionally, we will host weekly live calls (that will be recorded) for you to ask questions about module content and your SEO strategy.

    Our policy is “no questions are left unanswered”.

  • The course begins with the basics, making it perfect for beginners. You'll learn foundational SEO principles, how to conduct keyword research, and apply on-page SEO strategies before diving into more advanced topics. No prior SEO knowledge is required to start.

  • Enrolment will close on June 30th, with the Academy starting on the 1st of July.

    The Academy will open back up around October—i.e., it closes for three months so we can dedicate full attention to this cohort.

  • Yes, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

    If, within 30 days, you've watched all the course content, attended all the live calls, asked questions to the SEOSpace team and still feel the course hasn't lived up to your expectations, we'll issue a full refund.

  • Upon completing the accreditation path of the course, including all modules and bonus content, you'll undergo a review process, including a final call with the SEOSpace team. Once approved, you'll receive your SEOSpace accreditation badge.

  • We will add "offering SEO as a service" modules in the future. In the meantime, we'll cover any topic in live calls and offer support in the community on providing SEO services. Signing up now will give you the best price and access to those modules when they come.

  • We recommend dedicating 2 hours/week to the Academy throughout the 12-week community access. You get lifetime access to the course content and can watch that at your own pace.

  • Yes, all live calls will be recorded and available to watch indefinitely.

What’s Included?

The SEOSpace Academy comes in one simple format.

The Academy

Self-paced learning with everything you need to grow your Squarespace SEO.

✓ Lifetime access to Modules 1-9 and all future updates

Dedicated community (12-week access), with a “no questions left unanswered” approach

✓ Weekly live community calls, Q&As + expert guest speakers

✓ Blog post & brief templates, keyword planner worksheet, 40+ AI prompts library, backlink cheatsheet and much more!

✓ Jargon-free Squarespace SEO walk-throughs and “follow-alongs”

Accreditation badge upon completion and demonstration of knowledge and skills learned

Join Waiting List 👇

The SEOSpace Academy is currently working with our 1st cohort - our 2nd cohort and access to the Academy will open back up in October 2024. Sign up below to be one of the first notified.