Squarespace Anchor Links: 5-Step How to Guide 2024

In the ever-evolving world of web design, keeping up with the latest trends and techniques can make all the difference. It's what makes your website stand out among the rest! And lately, one concept that's been gaining traction is the idea of the Squarespace anchor links.

Anchor links are a powerful tool to master when it comes to improving website navigation, allowing visitors to quickly access specific sections of your site with just a few clicks.

But when it comes to creating anchor links in Squarespace or making sure they work as effectively as they should… that can sometimes be a bit of a challenge. We're here to make things a little bit easier. In this post, we'll tell you how to add Squarespace anchor links step by step to help take some of the guesswork out of the equation. 

What Are Anchor Links?

If you're a Squarespace user, you've probably heard of anchor links…but do you know what they are and how they can benefit your website? 

Simply put, a Squarespace anchor link is a link that will take you to a specific section on the same page. They are useful for creating site navigation within a long page or for linking to specific content. With this cool feature of adding Squarespace anchor links in navigation, your users can easily navigate to the information they want to see - all without having to scroll through the whole page.

The Squarespace anchor link is an unbelievably useful feature for anyone interested in boosting their website's SEO. Want to learn more about SEO and how to rank? You can do so here

How to Create Anchor Links Squarespace in 5 Steps

Chomping at the bit to start taking advantage of this cool feature? Here's how to go about creating anchor links in Squarespace.

  1. Identify the section of the page you want to link to and add a code block to it. You can do this for any section that's not a gallery or auto layout.

  2. Add the unique ID. Within the code block, add the unique ID of the section you're planning to link to. Here's the format: <p id="unique-id">. This is where the link will jump to <p>. The unique ID can be any alphanumeric value, separated by dashes instead of spaces.

  3. Replace the "This is where the link will jump to" text. This can be with whatever label you want to display on the page.

  4. To create the link itself, type the text you want to use as the link label and highlight it. Click on the link icon on the toolbar and enter the page URL followed by a hashtag (#) and the unique ID you assigned earlier, like this: https://examplesite.com/pageslug/#unique-id.  

  5. For navigation links or internal page links, you can omit the page URL and only use the hashtag and unique ID.

Then, just save your changes and publish the page. The anchor link should now take visitors to the targeted section.

Here's a screenshot from Squarespace showcasing what this might look like with the section linked to display at the top of the browser:

Squarespace anchor links

Why Use Anchor Links in Squarespace?

First and foremost, a Squarespace anchor link can help improve your website's user experience. 

If you have a long page with a lot of content, anchor links can save your users time and frustration. They can quickly jump to the section they want to read without having to scroll through irrelevant content. How's that for convenient?

Also - anchor links can help you keep visitors on your site for longer. If your users can easily navigate to the information they want to see, they are more likely to stay on your site and explore other content. 

And as you probably know, the longer a user stays on your site, the better it is for your website's SEO.

Troubleshooting Common Anchor Link Issues

As amazing and beautiful as Squarespace anchor links are, they're not without their faults. Here are some common issues to watch out for (and how to fix them):

Issue: Squarespace anchor links not working

Solution: Double-check that the ID name and anchor link reference are accurate. It's easy to accidentally mistype or forget the "#" symbol, so be sure to triple-check your work. 

And don't forget to double-check that the section you're linking to exists and is visible on your webpage!

Issue: Squarespace anchor link smooth scroll not working 

Solution: Smooth scrolling is a popular feature that enhances the user experience. 

To guarantee smooth scrolling for your anchor links, add a simple code snippet to the Custom CSS section of your site. Here's the code:

html {

  --scroll-behavior: smooth;

  scroll-behavior: smooth;


Best Practices for Anchor Links

Here are a few more tips to help you make the most of the Squarespace anchor link feature:

  • Be descriptive - Use descriptive anchor link text that clearly describes the content of the section it links to. This will help users to navigate your site more easily, and search engines will better understand the structure of your content.

  • Make them visible - Use contrasting colors for your anchor links to make them stand out. This will encourage users to click on them and improve the visual appeal of your site.

  • Optimize for SEO - You can optimize anchor links for SEO by adding keywords and using descriptive names for your IDs, which will make it even easier for your site to be discovered and ranked well by search engines.


By following our step-by-step guide, you are now equipped with the knowledge and skills to create effective Squarespace anchor links on your website. With the use of these links, you can greatly improve your website navigation, allowing your users to seamlessly move from one section to another. 

And if there's one thing we know for sure, it's that a positive user experience is key to retaining visitors and converting them into loyal customers.

At the end of the day, it's the little things that make all the difference. By implementing Squarespace anchor links, you're taking a giant step towards making your website a more user-friendly and inviting place. 

So, what are you waiting for? Put what you've learned into practice and start seeing the amazing results for yourself.

Squarespace Anchor Links FAQs

Can you do anchor links in Squarespace?

Yes, you can create anchor links on your Squarespace site. Anchor links, or jump links, allow users to navigate to a specific section within the same page or across different pages on your site. Adding anchor links in Squarespace is beneficial for improving user experience by facilitating quick access to information, which is particularly useful for long pages.

How do I add an anchor link?

To add an anchor link in Squarespace, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Target Section: Choose the section of your page where you want the anchor link to lead.

  2. Add a Code Block: Place a code block at the desired section where you want to create an anchor. This is necessary as Squarespace uses custom code to define anchors.

  3. Insert the Unique ID: In the code block, you'll need to insert a unique ID to identify the section. Here’s a simple way to add it:

    <p id="your-unique-id">Content of your section here</p>

    Replace "your-unique-id" with a suitable identifier for the section.

  4. Create the Link: To link to this anchor, use the text or element you want as the trigger for the jump link. Highlight it, click the link icon, and then type #your-unique-id (the ID you assigned in the previous step). If the anchor link is meant to work on a different page, prepend the path to the page before the #.

How do I make a link clickable in Squarespace?

To make a text or image clickable as a link in Squarespace, including for use as an anchor link:

  1. Select the Text or Image: Click on the text or image that you want to make clickable.

  2. Open the Link Editor: Click the link icon in the editor toolbar.

  3. Add the Link: For a standard URL, just paste or type the URL. For an anchor link, you would enter # followed by the unique ID if it's on the same page, or /page-url#unique-id if it's on a different page.

  4. Insert and Save: Confirm by clicking on the link button to save your changes.

Can you create jump links in Squarespace?

Squarespace makes it easy to create anchor links and link to specific parts of a page by using a unique ID. These links allow you to send visitors directly to a specific section of a page, making your content more accessible and efficient. 

Can you link to a specific part of a page in Squarespace?

You can link to a specific part of a page on Squarespace by creating an anchor link. Scroll to the section you plan to link to, then add a code block (it can be added to any block section besides gallery sections and auto layouts).

How do I link one page to another in Squarespace?

Simply highlight the text or image you want to link to, then in the menu, click "Link." In the link editor, insert the link text under the link title and click the button to save your changes. 

Henry Purchase

This article was written by Henry Purchase, the Founder of SEOSpace, who is on a mission to change Squarespace SEO - making it jargon-free and accessible for anyone, regardless of their experience.


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