No One Understands Squarespace SEO Like SEOSpace

SEO team
SEO Team
SEO team
SEO team

We help Squarespace websites rank higher on Google and get more sales through our SEO experience working with 5,000+ Squarespace users.

Real SEO Outcomes
Real Businesses

See firsthand the impact we've had:
results from our satisfied clients.

All Your SEO Needs Met by
One Specialist Team

  • Keyword Research

    Keyword Research

    We get a deep understanding of your industry and your competitors so we can dominate.

  • On-page SEO

    On-page SEO

    We use our own Squarespace SEO plugin and 22-step checklist to optimise your site.

  • Technical SEO

    Technical SEO

    We improve your site and make it easier for visitors and Google to navigate.

  • Backlinks

    High-quality, legit backlinks built directly to your website.

  • Content creation

    Content creation

    Our content team write content that ranks like no other - they are all used on our internal projects.

  • Analytics


    We track your site's performance using Google Analytics and other incredible tools.

  • Digital PR

    Digital PR

    We get your website featured in industry-leading publications.

  • Local SEO

    Need local traffic? We've got you covered with proven local strategies that work fast.

  • SEO Plugin

    SEO Plugin

    We launched the only SEO plugin for Squarespace - no one understands Squarespace SEO like us.

Turning Clicks into Clients:
What Previous Clients Say 👇

Are our Services for You?

Our services aren’t for everyone - the below can help you decide whether to go for our packages, book a call or try our plugin.


✓ Wants to invest in Squarespace SEO

✓ Confident in your offer

✓ Willing to listen and learn

✓ Has a designer (or can hire ours)

✓ Able to move quickly with us


X Doesn’t see the value in SEO

X Doesn’t want to learn or follow advice

X Isn’t willing to be flexible and work together

X Doesn’t have a stable, launched site

X Has a 100+ page website (additional cost required if >100 pages)

Take Our Quiz to Find the Best Option for You

Take our free quiz to find the best SEO option for you 👇

We’ve worked with 1000s of websites and have a good idea of what you’ll need - tell us more about yourself so we can best help.