Top 13 Squarespace SEO Experts for Hire (2024 Update)

When you’re on Squarespace, you understand the importance of hiring someone who “gets it”. The last thing you want is an SEO expert trying to convince you to move to WordPress or some expensive custom CMS, doesn’t know how to setup Google Search Console or even peppering you with jargon.

You need a Squarespace SEO expert who understands how to get results on Squarespace. Someone who “gets it”. This is particularly important as a staggering 85% of Squarespace sites receive zero organic traffic, and our analysis of 21,327 Squarespace websites found they have an average SEO score of a mere 40.5/100.

To make things easier for you and to help you avoid the cowboys of the SEO field, we’ve brought together this complete list of the best Squarespace SEO experts, consultants, specialists, agencies and Squarespace SEO course providers who all know how to help you achieve your goals and provide leading Squarespace SEO services.

The Top Squarespace SEO Specialists: 2024 Directory

As the creators of the Squarespace SEO plugin, we’ve set the bar for Squarespace SEO. We’ve interacted and collaborated with numerous Squarespace SEO consultants; after carefully analysing their strategies and results, we’ve identified the top-performing agencies that meet our stringent criteria and uphold our commitment to excellence. Let’s dive into why we recommend them.

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Best Squarespace SEO Experts for Hire

Squarespace SEO expert

Henry Purchase, SEOSpace

LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube

Not only do we have the Squarespace SEO plugin, but we also offer the world’s leading Squarespace SEO services, led by our Founder, Henry Purchase

Here’s why they’re world-leading Squarespace SEO services that are trusted by businesses across the globe:

  • We made the Squarespace SEO plugin, giving us a unique understanding of how to get results from investigating over 4,000 websites

  • We interviewed Squarespace’s CEO about SEO, which sheds light on the platform’s future and the crucial role of SEO.

  • We have the world’s largest Squarespace SEO community and a dedicated SEO YouTube channel.

Tags: Top SEO Experts

To learn how Henry gets Squarespace websites on page 1 of Google, check out the below video 👇

Preferred Industries to Work With

We have no preferred industry - we just only work with Squarespace websites ✅

Ideal Client to Work For

The ideal client is any business that values the importance of Squarespace SEO in their marketing strategy. This could include small businesses looking to increase their online visibility or larger corporations seeking to optimize their digital marketing efforts.

What is it like to work with Henry Purchase?

At SEOSpace, we pride ourselves on delivering tangible, results-driven Squarespace SEO services. We invite you to explore our video testimonials and our agency case studies, including one where we took a self-storage software business from 5 inbound leads/month to 50-60 inbound leads/week.

What’s the pricing?

You can hire us for short 1-3 month “SEO sprints”, which start from $799/month, or you can book a call to discuss our ongoing Squarespace SEO services. You can check out our pricing page for details. If you’re unsure where to start, you can also get a free SEO audit.

What are the services SEOSpace offers?

Our most popular Squarespace SEO services are our “Growth Co-Pilot” packages - a 3 month search engine optimization sprint that will deliver your website six months of SEO growth, delivered by an SEO expert team on your Squarespace website.

The square genius

Toni Williams, The Square Genius

LinkedIn | TikTok | YouTube

Toni from The Square Genius is a Squarespace website designer with a specialization in Squarespace SEO. Toni's focus lies in helping purpose-driven businesses and organizations optimize their Squarespace websites for better visibility and ranking on search engines like Google. They also have a stacked template shop featuring unique designs that are cost effective and simple to set up.

Tags: Top SEO Experts

Preferred industry to work with

Toni works in various industries with many different organisations and freelancers. More recently, Toni is enjoying working within the third sector for nonprofits and small purpose driven businesses. Toni understands that every industry has unique needs when it comes to SEO and tailors her services accordingly.

Ideal client to work for

Toni enjoys working with purpose-led businesses, nonprofits and charities committed to making a real impact. She also helps a variety of small businesses and freelancers to improve their search engine rankings.

What is it like to work with Toni Williams?

Toni is known for her friendly and personalized approach. She takes the time to understand the unique needs and goals of each client, ensuring a tailored SEO strategy that aligns with the client’s objectives.

What’s the pricing?

The pricing of The Square Genius varies by project requirements.

What are the services The Square Genius offers?

The Square Genius offers a comprehensive range of Squarespace SEO services. This includes fine-tuning on-page SEO optimization, conducting thorough site audits, and crafting effective digital marketing strategies.

Floating Lotus Design

Megan Desjarlais, Floating Lotus Design

Pinterest | YouTube | Facebook

Floating Lotus Design, led by Meg—a Squarespace Circle member—specializes in Squarespace website design and administration. The Squarespace SEO agency focuses on helping clients understand and manage their Squarespace website, including menu navigation, settings, and basic SEO reviews and updates.

Tags: Top SEO Experts

Preferred industry to work with

The services offered by Floating Lotus Design are versatile and can cater to a wide range of businesses seeking a strong online presence, sustainable growth and a clear brand identity.

Ideal client to work for

The ideal client for Floating Lotus Design is a small business owner looking for assistance in understanding and managing their Squarespace website. Her specialty is working with service providers who want a website that attracts more clients, is easy to maintain, and makes them feel proud to show off. 

We can personally vouch for what a joy Megan, the brains behind Floating Lotus, is to work with - she is one of the leading Squarespace SEO experts and can take your Squarespace website to the next level.

What is it like to work with Floating Lotus?

Working with Meg is an educational and empowering experience. She’s intent on helping clients understand the intricacies of their Squarespace website and SEO basics — she also provides a series of YouTube videos for further learning. Her approach is centered around simplicity and elegance, ensuring the client’s essence is captured in their branding and site design.

What’s the pricing?

The services offered by Floating Lotus Design range from $150 for a “Power Hour” Consultation Call to $1,000 for a Design Day to Custom Squarespace Website Design & branding starting at $2,800.

What are the SEO services Floating Lotus offers?

Floating Lotus Design offers basic SEO reviews and audits tailored to Squarespace websites and can implement updates as part of the Design Day or Power Hour services. Meg also provides SEO education through her YouTube video series, equipping clients with the knowledge to manage and optimize their website’s SEO.

Top Squarespace SEO Agencies for Hire

The SEO answer

The SEO Answer

LinkedIn | Contact

The SEO Answer is a Squarespace SEO specialist agency that focuses on enhancing visibility and driving sales for its clients. Their expertise lies in the use of various SEO strategies, including the strategic use of keywords, sitemap creation, as well as on-page SEO techniques like title tags and meta descriptions.

Tags: Agency

Preferred industry to work with

Any industry, provided the businesses understand the value of front-page visibility.

Ideal client to work for

The ideal client for The SEO Answer’s Squarespace SEO services understands the importance of visibility and conversion. This might include business owners, marketers, or individuals who want to convert their website visitors into clients.

What is it like to work with The SEO Answer?

The SEO Answer is focused on a relationship-oriented experience. They pride themselves on their personable team and aim to build long-term relationships with clients by securing their sites’ ranking.

At the helm is the friendly and approachable founder, Julianna Young. Her welcoming demeanor, coupled with her vast expertise in SEO, makes working with The SEO Answer a truly enriching experience. Whether you’re an SEO novice or a seasoned pro, Julianna and her team will provide you with comprehensive, results-driven SEO solutions that will help your business thrive online.

What’s the pricing?

Pricing starts at $750, although the total cost may vary depending on the specific services and SEO strategies required by the client.

What are the SEO services The SEO Answer offers?

As for their SEO services, The SEO Answer offers a comprehensive suite of solutions. This includes VIP days, ads management, landing page optimization, link building, and more.



Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn

Squarely is an Australian-based Squarespace SEO consultant agency that specializes in website branding and optimization. With an emphasis on web design, they’re recognized as an authorized Squarespace expert and an award-winning brand designer. Their expertise lies in creating and optimizing brand identities on the Squarespace platform.

Tags: Agency

Preferred industry to work with

Squarely is open to clients from a wide range of industries. Their SEO expert process is tailored around facilitating business success, regardless of the industry.

Ideal client to work for

Ideal clients for Squarely are those who value the agency’s expertise and appreciate the process of achieving above-average results. The agency values clear and concise communication and seeks clients who are highly responsive and easy to work with.

What is it like to work with Squarely?

Working with Squarely is a seamless experience; the agency is known for its responsiveness and straightforward communication. They’re committed to delivering results through Squarespace SEO services that exceed the obtainable average.

How much does a typical Squarespace SEO project cost?

Ranges from $1,275 to $3,975, depending on the service offered.

What are the SEO services Squarely offers?

Squarely offers local SEO, general organic SEO, and ethical backlinking strategies in partnership with an external partner. These services are designed to improve a website’s visibility on search engines and enhance its overall performance.

THAT Branding Company

Paul Scurrah, THAT Branding Company

LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter

THAT Branding Company is a creative design, branding, and Squarespace SEO agency offering comprehensive services to businesses. Their expertise lies in understanding the target audience of a business, helping the business connect with them, designing the brand, and measuring improvement in the brand’s position.

Tags: Agency

Preferred industry to work with

They specialize in providing services to business owners who have had a website for a while and understand the need for enhancement. THAT Branding Company (as the name suggests) also has fantastic branding, keyword research, content creation, web design and social media services that you should check out, i.e. they can also be your Squarespace designer!

Ideal client to work for

The ideal client for THAT Branding Company is a business owner who recognizes the need to improve their existing website. They may have previously built the website themselves or relied on a friend but now understand the significance of professional help. They’re also open to revamping their brand.

What is it like to work with THAT Branding Company?

Working with That Branding Company is characterized by open and honest communication. They ensure their clients are well-informed and comfortable with the process. Their detailed and thoughtful work has resulted in multiple positive feedback from clients.

How much does a typical Squarespace SEO project cost?

THAT Branding Company pricing starts from £2,000+VAT for a 5-page Squarespacee website portfolio without SEO. The addition of SEO services costs £1,000+VAT and includes local SEO.

What are the SEO services THAT Branding Company offers?

THAT Branding Company offers on-page and technical SEO for £700+VAT and local SEO for £400+VAT. These can be availed together for a combined cost of £1,000+VAT.

Optimise Your Marketing

Optimise Your Marketing

LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube

Optimise Your Marketing is a Squarespace SEO consultant that specializes in online marketing optimization. They focus on equipping businesses with the necessary online marketing tools to build a future-proof online business, targeting a repeatable audience.

Tags: Agency

Preferred industry to work with

Optimise Your Marketing doesn’t have a preferred industry to work with. They have serviced a wide array of industries, including but not limited to hospitality, fashion, lifestyle, business coaching, rail, engineering, kids gymnastics, child development services, hospital walls, compressors, wealth management, financial advisors, banks, beauty, apprenticeships, recruitment, and fiber technology.

Ideal client to work for

The ideal client is open to change, collaborative, willing to try new things, and ready to have fun along the way. They value a partnership that promotes mutual growth and learning.

What is it like to work with Optimise Your Marketing?

Working with Optimise Your Marketing is an evolutionary and learning experience. Clients should be prepared to engage with a core success strategy while being introduced to fresh, out-of-the-box ideas from an SEO expert.

What’s the pricing?

The agency charges a monthly fee of £1,000+VAT and works with only 30 people at a time. This ensures that each client receives adequate attention and service. Optimise Your Marketing can also build you an evergreen marketing strategy to help you climb Google search results even if you don’t want ongoing SEO services and only seek organic traffic.

What Squarespace SEO service does Optimise Your Marketing offer?

Optimise Your Marketing offers a comprehensive Squarespace SEO service and an evergreen marketing strategy that includes keyword optimization, meta tag optimization, tracking, Google Best Practices, blog posts, and pillar posts.



LinkedIn | Facebook | Instragram

Visuable are London-based Squarespace SEO experts with an in-house team. They have developed expertise in leveraging the Squarespace platform to achieve optimal SEO outcomes, helping clients enhance their online visibility and drive traffic to their websites.

Tags: Agency

Preferred industry to work with

Visuable serves a broad range of businesses that use Squarespace for their websites. This could include businesses in industries like e-commerce, blogging, and creative services.

Ideal client to work for

Their ideal client is a business that recognises the importance of SEO for their online success and is willing to invest in expert services to boost their website traffic. This could be a small startup or a more established enterprise aiming to maximize its online presence through Squarespace.

What is it like to work with Visuable?

Working with Visuable is a collaborative and supportive journey. They offer a free consultation to start, signifying how invested they are in understanding the specific needs and goals of their clients before crafting an SEO strategy.

What’s the pricing?

Pricing starts from $395 to boost your website traffic. However, more detailed pricing depends on the specific services required and the scope of the project.

What are the SEO services Visuable offers?

Visuable offers keyword research, on-site SEO optimization, content creation, and Google Console setup, all tailored for any Squarespace website.

Square Guru

Square Guru

Contact | Email

The Square Guru team features dynamic Squarespace SEO specialists in website design. Their team of “Super Specialists” is dedicated to creating striking designs that not only look great but also function seamlessly. They’re always open to discussions, showing their commitment to client collaboration and satisfaction.

Tags: Agency

Preferred industry to work with

Any business, regardless of industry, seeking to establish or improve their online presence through a visually engaging Squarespace website could benefit from their services.

Ideal client to work for

Their ideal client is any business or individual in need of a beautifully designed, fully functional website. This could range from startups wanting to make a strong first impression online to established businesses aiming for a website revamp.

Of course, you need to have a Squarespace website and be in the market for a Squarespace SEO expert!

What is it like to work with Square Guru?

Working with Square Guru offers a collaborative and enjoyable experience. Their willingness to always chat suggests an open line of communication throughout the design process. Plus, their portfolio of recent work shows a dedication to keeping their design skills fresh and innovative.

What’s the pricing?

SEO packages start at £385.00 plus VAT; improvement and polishing packages start at £585.00 plus VAT; and custom-designed new website prices start at £1,895.00 plus VAT.

What are the SEO services Square Guru offers?

Square Guru incorporates SEO best practices into their website design process. Their services include blog writing, email marketing integration and set-up, Google Analytics and SEO set-up, social media integration, and more.

Jamie’s Design LLC

Jamie’s Design LLC

Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn

Jamie’s Design LLC is an agency run by Squarespace SEO experts who specialize in Squarespace website design, content writing, and social media marketing. They’re skilled in graphic design, including creating logos, flyers, pamphlets, and email signatures, and are adept at utilising modern solutions for social media marketing.

Tags: Agency

Preferred industry to work with

Jamie’s Design LLC prefers working with small business owners who are passionate about their company but require assistance in amplifying their online presence and marketing strategy.

Ideal client to work for

Jamie’s Design LLC’s ideal clients are owners of small family businesses who are enthusiastic about their company and are seeking help in improving their visibility and brand recognition.

What is it like to work with Jamie’s Design LLC?

When partnering with Jamie’s Design LLC, clients can expect a personalized approach. The agency takes the time to understand its clients’ businesses thoroughly, their future vision, and the direction they want to take. Whether it’s creating a new website or optimizing an existing one, Jamie’s Design LLC ensures the website aligns with the client’s vision and incorporates optimal SEO practices.

What’s the pricing?

Pricing depends on the services required, the size of the client’s business, and the competitiveness of their industry in terms of Google ranking.

As with any Squarespace SEO expert, when you speak to them, they will recommend what’s best for you, so book a call with them today to learn more.

What are the SEO services Jamie’s Design LLC offers?

Jamie’s Design LLC offers content writing, website design, picture optimization, keyword research, social media creation and marketing, Google My Business profile creation, marketing advice, and ongoing SEO optimization for websites and small business owners without technical skills or the time for optimizing images.

Top Squarespace SEO Freelancers for Hire

RZWilliams Media

Reuben Williams, RZWilliams Media

Portfolio | LinkedIn

Reuben, the man behind RZWilliams Media is a freelance Squarespace SEO expert specializing in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Content Marketing. With a strong belief that marketing is the most scalable skill of the modern era, the agency leverages search engine optimization techniques to create compounding traffic without the need to spend much on ads.

Tags: Freelancer

Preferred industry to work with

RZWilliams Media’s primary focus lies within industries that benefit from content marketing and on-page search engine optimization strategies. Reuben uses these industries’ unique characteristics to optimize content and attract organic traffic, leading to improved online visibility and brand recognition for your Squarespace website.

Ideal client to work for

The ideal client for RZWilliams Media is one with clear expectations and strong communication skills. These clients are proactive and willing to contribute input to get their business ranked #1 for the ideal searches. The agency thrives on collaborative relationships where the goal is mutual success.

Many Squarespace website owners who work with Reuben don’t want an SEO agency, they want a closer one-to-one service to correctly optimize their Squarespace site.

What is it like to work with RZWilliams?

Working with RZWilliams Media promises to be a smooth and exceptional experience. The agency prides itself on its client testimonials, which are reflective of its commitment to providing top-tier service. Clients can expect a collaborative approach, with the agency working closely with them to understand and meet their SEO and content marketing needs.

What’s the pricing?

RZWilliams Media offers its comprehensive SEO and content marketing services at competitive prices, ranging from $400 to $900. This works very well for Squarespace website owners just getting started.

What are the SEO services RZWilliams offers?

The SEO services provided by RZWilliams Media encompass technical SEO, backlink campaigns, on-page SEO, and content marketing. These offerings are strategically designed to improve a website’s visibility, drive quality traffic, and ultimately increase conversions. The agency’s holistic approach ensures that all aspects of SEO are covered, from optimizing website architecture to creating high-quality, SEO-friendly content.

Rank and Trend

Saif Khant, Rank and Trend

LinkedIn | Testimonials

Saif Khant is a leading freelancer who offers comprehensive and affordable Squarespace SEO strategy with a key focus on SaaS (Software as a Service) and B2B businesses. Their expertise lies in optimizing their clients’ online presence to ensure prominent ranking on Google.

Rank and Trend is also based in Bangladesh, so if you’re looking for more affordable Squarespace SEO expert, delivered by offshore SaaS SEO experts that you can trust, then you can contact their team.

Tags: Freelancer

Preferred industry to work with

Rank and Trend primarily helps to grow Squarespace based SaaS (Software as a Service) and B2B businesses through organic SEO and PPC. Their services are tailored to meet the unique needs of this industries at B2B level. They’re also Google Search Console experts and can massively help your Squarespace site boost up Google search results.

Ideal client to work for

The ideal clients for Rank and Trend are Squarespace website owners seeking to enhance their visibility for SaaS and B2B Businesses and boost up Google search results. The agency thrives on driving sales through increased website traffic and leveraging local impressions on Search Engine, making it a perfect fit for SaaS and B2B Businesses.

What is it like to work with Rank and Trend?

Working with Rank and Trend is a collaborative and transparent experience - they’re leaders in the SEO industry. The agency kickstarts its workflow with a discovery call to understand the client’s specific challenges and then develops a tailored strategy with clear milestones. They maintain open lines of direct communication and provide weekly reports to ensure clients are aware of their progress and are getting the most value from the partnership.

What’s the pricing?

Rank and Trend charges between $750 and $1,500 for their SEO strategy and service for SaaS and B2B Businesses. You can get a smaller SEO strategy for less if you have a basic website in a less competitive niche but still want to climb.

What are the services Rank and Trend offer?

Rank and Trend offers various SEO services, particularly on SaaS (Software as a Service) and B2B Businesses. Their goal is to elevate their clients’ visibility, thereby drawing attention from their target local clientele.

Top Squarespace SEO Courses/Trainers

Henry Purchase Headshot

Henry Purcase, SEOSpace Academy

SEO Course | LinkedIn | YouTube

Not only do we have the Squarespace SEO plugin, but we also offer the leading Squarespace SEO course.

Here’s why you can trust that our course is the right option to level up your Squarespace SEO knowledge.

  • We made the Squarespace SEO plugin, giving us a unique understanding of how to get results from investigating over 4,000 websites

  • We interviewed Squarespace’s CEO about SEO, which sheds light on the platform’s future and the crucial role of SEO.

  • We have the world’s largest Squarespace SEO community and a dedicated SEO YouTube channel.

Tags: SEO Course

What can you find on the course?

The SEOSpace Acadmy course is designed for Squarespace users looking to master SEO, from foundational concepts to advanced strategies. It's created by the team behind the first SEO plugin for Squarespace, aimed at both SEO professionals and business owners.


  • Comprehensive SEO course by creators of the first Squarespace SEO plugin.

  • Targets both professionals and Squarespace business owners.

  • Includes foundational SEO, advanced tactics, and future trends - demystify the SEO industry.

  • Offers lifetime access, accreditation, direct support, and a community.

Top Squarespace SEO Courses/Trainers

Kate Scott

Kate Scott, Grow With SEO

SEO Course | Instagram | LinkedIn

Kate Scott is a web design expert specializing in Squarespace templates. Her services focus on providing high-quality, easy-to-customize templates that are SEO-ready and designed to feature prominently on Google. She is also an educator who offers web design courses, including an SEO course, Grow with SEO.

Tags: SEO Course

What can you find on the course?

Kate Scott's course demystifies SEO, making it accessible and actionable for Squarespace users seeking to escape the constant hustle of social media marketing. It emphasizes long-term growth through evergreen content and strategic optimization.

Course Modules:

  • The Basics: Understanding SEO, how Google works, and essential terminology.

  • Getting Started: Keyword research, meta descriptions, Squarespace settings for optimal searchability.

  • Content Creation: A step-by-step guide to creating compelling, evergreen content.

  • On-Page SEO: Best practices for page optimization, understanding core web vitals, UX, redirects, and schema markup.

  • Off-Page SEO: Building and disavowing backlinks, leveraging Google Business, and conducting competition research.

  • Levelling Up: Strategies for updating old content, keeping up with search trends, site auditing, monetizing traffic, and local SEO tactics.

Special Bonuses for Full Payments:

  • Pinterest SEO Training with Amy LeBlanc.

  • YouTube SEO Masterclass with Jessica Stansberry.

  • Strategy First Mini-Course: A crash course in strategic design to convert visitors into clients.

Squarespace SEO FAQs

  • The cost of hiring a Squarespace SEO expert varies based on the complexity of your SEO needs and the level of expertise required. Typically, Squarespace SEO services start with basic SEO packages that can range from a few hundred to several thousand pounds for more comprehensive SEO projects. It's essential to choose a Squarespace SEO service that offers a solid foundation for your digital products and safeguards against potential penalties, ensuring the best return on investment.

  • Absolutely! Investing in Squarespace SEO services is crucial for any business aiming to enhance its visibility in Google search results. With the right Squarespace SEO expert, your site can achieve higher rankings, leading to increased traffic and conversions. A dedicated SEO specialist will utilize all the features available on Squarespace to optimize your site effectively for search engines.

  • Getting started with SEO on your Squarespace site involves several key steps, including keyword research, on-page optimization, and using Google Analytics for insights. However, the most efficient way to ensure your site is fully optimized is by engaging a Squarespace SEO expert. An SEO specialist will conduct a thorough SEO audit and tailor SEO packages to meet your site’s specific needs.

  • Squarespace 7.1 offers several improvements and features that are beneficial for SEO. For a detailed comparison and to understand how Squarespace 7.1 can enhance your site's SEO, visit our comprehensive guide.

  • For those looking to master SEO for their Squarespace site, the SEOSpace Accelerator is the top choice. This course provides in-depth training from SEO basics to advanced strategies, ensuring your site ranks well in Google searches.

  • The debate between WordPress and Squarespace for SEO is ongoing. Each platform has its advantages, but Squarespace offers user-friendly SEO tools ideal for small businesses. For an in-depth comparison and how Squarespace stacks up against WordPress in SEO, read our analysis here.

  • Yes, Squarespace provides basic SEO features; however, for those looking to maximize their SEO efforts, ShereEOSpace is the premier SEO plugin for Squarespace. SEOSpace enhances your site's SEO capabilities, providing a comprehensive toolset for managing your SEO strategy effectively. Discover all the benefits of SEOSpace here.