Squarespace SEO Services: SEOSpace Fundamentals Package

Unlock the full potential of your website's SEO with our expertly crafted Focus Package. Designed to deliver impactful enhancements in a concise timeframe, our package ensures your website is future-ready and primed for sustained growth.

This concentrated Squarespace SEO service includes:

  • Keyword Strategy Development

    Our expert keyword research will provide you with a tailored list of strategic keywords to drive relevant traffic to your site.

  • On-Page Optimization

    Optimized site titles, descriptions, page titles, page URLs, and image metadata to ensure your site is optimized for its target keywords.

  • Content Recommendations

    We’ll generate a list of blog post topics (URL and title) for you to create and publish posts around.

  • Design Recommendations

    We’ll identify areas to improve user experience and suggest keyword integrations to boost your rankings.

  • Long-Term SEO Strategy

    Recommendations so you can maintain and grow your SEO efforts independently moving forward.

Is the SEOSpace Fundamentals package right for you?

This service will be perfect for some, but not the best solution for others.
Find out which category you fit into:


Familiar with Squarespace

Wants to learn SEO

Smaller budget ($2,000 or less) for SEO

Website is 10 pages or less

A DIY’er who is willing to maintain their website’s SEO moving forward

Available for 2 days for back-and-forth email communication

Wants to attract target customers and rank on page 1 of Google


X Not familiar with Squarespace

X Would rather outsource all ongoing SEO maintenance

X Expecting overnight success

X Larger (10+ page) website

X Want design changes made for them as part of an SEO package

X Would prefer a more involved and longer-term SEO partnership

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We’ve worked with 5,000+ Squarespace users and have a good idea of what you’ll need - tell us more about yourself so we can help in the best way possible.

Why SEOSpace?

  • Proven Results


    This service was developed specifically to make SEO on a Squarespace website quick and to the point while maintaining efficacy.

  • Trusted by the Community

    Trusted by the Community

    With a track record of elevating website traffic by 68% within two months for novice users and boasting a user base exceeding 2,500 businesses, SEOSpace stands as a beacon of SEO innovation.

  • Born from Real Experience

    Born from Real Experience

    This service was developed out of our own challenges with Squarespace SEO, and the effective solutions we found to those challenges.

Squarespace SEO Services Testimonials


Squarespace SEO Services FAQs

  • No problem- you don't need to. That's what this service is for: to identify the best target keywords for your site then implement them onto your site.

  • Yes. If your website is larger than 10 pages, you'll just need to select the 10 you'd like to include in the service. If you're not sure, we can help you select.

  • This service does not include resizing and reuploading images, but we will optimize the metadata of your images for keyword targeting. You can sign up for the SEOSpace plugin to stay up to date with images that need resizing throughout your site.

  • No, design changes will not be made as part of this service. But we will be making design recommendations for your site to optimize SEO. From there, you can hire a designer for the redesign work or DIY.

    We will mainly focus on improving your search engine optimization, connecting and setting up Google Search Console and boosting your site on search engines through our SEO services.

  • We'll provide you with a list of instructions so you know exactly how to maintain your Squarespace site and Squarespace SEO moving forward. This will include instructions on what to do when adding a new page, new images, publishing blog posts, and so on to grow and maintain your search engine results.

  • It's ideal for you to be accessible via email in case questions arise, due to the focused nature of this service. That said, after day 1 keyword research work is complete, we'll mainly just need you to verify the keywords prior to the next morning so we can begin day 2 implementation work on your site.

Ready to start getting your website found on Google?